Earn Cash For Referrals

Each time your referrals hire us,

we'll send you $15.

Earn Cash

For Referrals

Each time your referrals hire us,

we'll send you $15.

Do you believe in faeries?

Say quick that you believe.

If you believe,

clap your hands!

~ James M Barrie

Peter Pan, 1904


Join our affaerieate program:

 Your sharing link gives them $10 off our Fairytale Character visits!

Affaerieate Program F.A.Q.

If my referral hires you, how will I be notified?

You’ll be notified by messenger owl. 


Kidding.  This isn’t Hogwarts.  


We’ll send you an email asking you where you’d like us to send the check (or Paypal transfer).

A special sharing link will magically be created for you to share anywhere you like.  Social media, mom’s groups, dad’s groups, cat groups, mom’s cat groups…or simply just email it to someone.
When your referral visits our website from your unique link, a magical spell is cast over them.  If they hire us, we will instantly know they came from your referral! 

Well…there’s more to it than that, but who really wants to know how that stuff works anyway? 

Aww…that’s so awesome of you to ask!

Ok, ok, ok…maybe you didn’t have this question.  Yes, this is us putting ideas into your head.  As magical creatures, it’s part of our job description to do that.


But seriously, guess what?  Over 70% of grown-ups learn about us from referrals.  Without referrals, these faeries wouldn’t exist.  We are SO grateful for your help in keeping us around by telling your friends!  Clap on, grown-ups!

Here are some fun ways we’ve seen people spread the word:


Facebook posts


Instagram posts


Posts in parenting groups


Blog mentions


Direct email


Text message


Facebook messenger

I’m excited!  How do I do this again?

Start by creating your magic sharing link!